Friday, January 16, 2009

This week is finally over

First week of training is over, and I am completely drained.

I have been running in less than 5 hours of sleep a day (that doesn’t sound as bad as it feels.)
I love it though, every single aspect of it.
I love not being completely aware of where it is I am going yet.
I love not being able to run and hide. I live in a house with 44 other people.
I love that within these walls I have met people that I feel like I’ve known for a couple of months.

So here are a couple of things I’ve done this week that have really stood out.
1) We got a lesson on life by Jason. Who, by the way, is the most incredible person. ever.
2) I got to eat with the entire Mexico team. Woot woot Mexico!
3) I have has some crazy awesome conversations with this girl named Mallory. She pretty much kicks ass at life, and everything to do with it.
4) I have made so much of fun of Kelly and Shannon. Pretty much in a way that should either be illegal or documented for the world to learn.
5) I have heard the first bit of mouth trashing other people (I hope this doesn’t end bad)
6) I was questioned, and responded in Spanish. Which ended up in a loud response of applause, because it wasn’t expected.
7) Gabe’s mom brought all the roadies food. Not exactly sure what it was, but by God was it delicious.
8) Have a new appreciation for food.
9) Have become extremely budgeted. I am scared of running out of money.
10) Have gotten in fights with people from El Paso. Weird.
11) Took a quiz.
12) Watched Scrubs. Oh yes I fit it in.
13) Talked to my lovely father for a couple of minutes today. He is awesome.
14) Talk to my sister. She’s pretty.
15) Took some pictures with another two teams.
16) Translated a couple of emails for some of my teammates.
17) I like Kelly Baker. Just a random fact that I thought everybody should know.

I love this city it’s amazing.

I’m kind of falling asleep while I am typing this. So I’m going to go.

Good night lovelies.


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