Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's time

So it has been a good week.

For starters my friend Barack got elected…woot woot…
For some reason the people that surround me have not stopped and taken the time to grasp the beauty of it.

This event will go down in history.
The youth of America finally spoke up. The first black president was elected. Hope for this country has been restored.

Now, I know Obama doesn’t have the experience, and he will probably not do all the things he has set up to do. But there is just something about him that just makes me feel that he should be there. That he will bring something to this country that will help us out.

Now I’m from El Paso. I don’t know if it’s the people I hang out with or just El Paso in general, but holly crap I hear the things they say and it makes me doubt that we are in fact in the 21st century.
They are ridiculously close-minded. I have heard so many racist jokes. It makes me sad. It makes me sad when I see a 13 year-old boy make a racist comment and watch as the mother laughs and pretends he is the funniest kid in the world. What makes me even sadder is the fact that almost all the racist comments (if not all of them) have come from a Mexican.
Now as a Mexican (and one who is fucking proud of it) it pisses me off. It pisses me off to see that because of stupid remarks made by few our whole culture is affected. But what can I do? Mexicans are proud people you can’t change us.

Another thing that amazes me is the close-mindedness of people. It’s kind of funny though, because I was raced (and continued to be raced) in a conservative household. My parents are both Christians, and both of them are pretty “christiany” in the way they live their lives and the ways they think other people should live theirs.
I love and admire my parents more than anything in the world, and I think that they did an amazing job raising my sister and I. It’s kind of hilarious though because my sister is one of those people that don’t really care about politics or anything going on in the U.S. (she voted though, I’m proud of her) and I on the other hand turned into some liberal junkie… oops! Two things that my dad dislikes: Apathy and Liberals.
Something that has been bothering me though is the fact that there are people my age who stand against human rights. I can understand older people being bitchy about it. But for the life of me I can’t understand how people my age can do it. I don’t know if anyone followed this (especially since most of the people I know are from Texas) but Proposition 8 passed in California. It bothered me so much, because if there is anything that I believe is wrong is a law not allowing people to love who they wish to love.
You know what it is not an issue about whether it is right or wrong, it’s an issue about human rights.
I find it incredible that people protest this. In all seriousness how does it affect you? It doesn’t. It really doesn’t. I was listening to NPR, which I really should stop it, it has become like a drug. It is my barer of good and unfortunately bad news.
Anyways, I thought I owed that to my fellow Californians to which I felt sympathy for.

On the up side Proposition 2 passed. Chickens get bigger houses. We don’t want our chickens to be sad before they get eaten.

Anyways enough about California! I don’t live there!

Ok anyways I’m tired.

And remember:

When I was eighteen and nineteen years old writing songs, I really did believe that whatever experience I was having was, like, more special than any other person's love experience since the beginning of time- Sara Quin

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

giant turtle rider

I leave tomorrow.

I know. I know. Be sad El Paso be very sad. I come back on Monday, so rejoice with that thought.

I have a test in like 45 minutes, and I have no desire to look at my notes one last time. I've done nothing but read for this stupid class during the last week. I figure that if I don't pass this test it's because I read the wrong book. Which I didn't, I think.

So I've pulled a couple of smart things during the week:

1) A crazy semi-trailer almost ran me over on the free way yesterday. I didn't honk. I didn't brake. I instead resulted to the art known as screaming with fear. I kid you not, after I did it I laughed, because one it's probably the girliest thing I've done all my life, and two under no circumstances would my scream have had an effect on said truck driver noticing he was going to run me over. Awesomely enough though he didn't. I'm not aware of how he didn't, but I'm glad he didn't.

2) I was about buy a CD yesterday, but instead checked if a friend would send it to me, he told me he had already. I checked he had. Downloaded it, later to find out in was already in my music library on Itunes.

3) I've also been having weird dreams:
I had one were I was at ACL already and I was taking pictures, and my camera was like the best camera ever. I could see everything. Also it turned out ACL was in my backyard. I woke up confused, but confused but checked to see if my camera had indeed changed during the course of the dream. It didn't.
I also had this one weird ass dream were there was a little turtle inside my house, and my dogs were attacking it and I kept yelling at my dad to get out the little turtle (it was super cute) while I was holding my Great Dane, Jack Russell and Chihuahua back. My dad grabbed what looked like a spatula and got the little turtle with it, and threw it out the front door. I let go of all my dogs and when to see through the front window to see if the little turtle was fine. The turtle was running away but as it was leaving it was like gradually growing, and I called my dad and we both just looked at the turtle and then at each other. My dream continued to later have the turtle grow so much it was like El Paso's Godzilla. Then the Blue Beetle (yes I said the Blue Beetle) came to my house and talked to us about the turtle to see if it had been exposed to some weird chemical, and my dad pointed at me and was like she was the one who wanted it alive. So the blue beetle took me to the desert and left me there. Later the turtle (which was ridiculously big) went to the desert for me and I became like El Paso's villain.
I'm guessing I shouldn't read comic books before taking a nap.

Ok I'm out I have to go take a test.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I just need a second

I hate when I think it's going to take me a really long time to do something, and then it actually only takes me like 30 minutes. So I have a French test tomorrow (Bonjour! Je m'appelle Zarina) and I told myself it was going to take me all the time I have in between classes to put my notes on note card (yeah I'm trying the note card technique now. Judge me if you must) so I left all my other homework at home cuz I didn't want to get a hernia. Now I'm frenched out, and have nothing to do until 12 30 and then I have free from 1 20 till 3. God I suck at making schedules! Next semester I'm having someone else do it for me. It seriously makes sense when I'm making it, but right now as I'm sitting here at the library (4th floor, naked lady cartoon desk) it seems stupid and I curse the me from last may.
It's ok though! Now I get to write useless babbles and have like 2 or 3 of you read them while you are probably waiting for your next class or are at work bored or you might just be one of you is weird one who actually enjoy my blogs (I send kisses your way.)

So there are a few things I'm excited about:
1) Austin City Limits (duh!) not only am I ridiculously excited for the music, but I'm excited to see my sister. I miss her. She's cool.
2) I'm also kind of excited to see where my political science class is going. I know. I don't want to be a lawyer, but I like the readings a lot.
3) My dad is doing super well in his business and I am excited to see what happens in his future.

There are others but those are the main three.
Also I was excited for the new T&S video, (came out today) which was kind of awesome! I think I finally have some sort of idea of what I want to do with my life. I know it's something revolving around music, either radio or a music magazine. What really interests me is music on movies or TV shows. I don't know what it is they study, but I think that would be cool. For right now communications does seem like the correct path. Its kind of cool, because it's the first time an introduction class assures me that I might want to do that. I like my teacher also I feel like he is easy to talk to. Always good.

I read Socrates' Apology by Plato yesterday. I liked it a lot. Socrates was a genius. There was a part in the book where he was saying that he was the wisest man alive because he knows he is not wise. Or something like that. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I was high on cold medicine though because now that I'm thinking about it, it doesn't seem as cool as yesterday.
Anyways it made me happy because I found something my sister had mentioned a few days before about how "the unexamined life is not worth living" and just seeing it in the context of the book was amazing. I kind of smile really big at barns and noble (which was so full yesterday because of the long weekend there is in Mexico! Viva Mexico!) I'm pretty much sure that people at barns and noble think I have no life, because I'm always there. Little do they know I went to the opera on Saturday, oh yes I did. It was fun it was kind of a twisted story. I liked it. The singing was amazing the acting on the other hand could have used other actors (mahahahaha…just kidding) the acting was not good, but I was on the last row (literally 3rd balcony row F) so I couldn't see the faces the body movements were enough.
I also watched An American Crime. I wish I hadn't though. It's a good movie, but it's a little to strong. It left me scarred for life. I watched Smart People that wasn't as good as I had anticipated.
I could keep going, but I won't. Go study!

watch this:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Realizing What Ive Known All Along

I started having panic attacks again. Most of them occur while I'm in my car. I love my car, but lately every time I set foot in it my heart skips a beat. It's the kind of skip that makes you feel faint, and not in the beautiful "I'm in love" sort of way. But it the way that you feel doomed.
I feel like there are no solutions.
I feel like that I am the wrong person.
I feel that I might have been born in the wrong place.
I try to be the person I want to be, but every time I start to something gets in my way. I've slowly started to give up. I'm nineteen for god sakes. How many problems can I have? Truth be told they are not life and death problems. I like to calm myself by thinking that many of you are going through the same thing. I'm not sure how many of you have to scream in your car in order to calm yourself down, or how many of you spend a lot of time asking yourself why things are the way they are. I hope not many of you do, because honestly it's a waste of time.
I've come to realize that I let things that shouldn't really matter get to me.
I hate the fact that people who don't know me hate me. Honestly I wouldn't care if they were just a random person in one of my classes that hated the fact that I asked a question. It bothers me though that people who are friends with my friends hate me. It bothers me because someone I care deeply for is being the receiver to these messages (yeah I'm taking speech) It scares me to think that my friends are friends with that kind of people which then interconnects to the fact that if they are friends it's because they have things in common. What if eventually they get persuaded to start thinking the way their friends do.
Side note: Let me make one thing clear. Quiet does not equal Hate. I am a quiet person. I can honestly say that I don't hate anyone. I might not care for you, but I don't hate you.
I told my mom a couple of months ago that I would get nervous all the time. My mom being my mom of course wanted to take me to the doctor. I honestly got more freaked out about that than anything else. What if they had to medicate me? No scratch that. They would medicate me. I don't want to be a pill popping nineteen year old.
Now here is what pisses me off the most.
My life is perfect. I seriously could not ask for more.
I have parents who love each other so much its ridiculous.
I have the coolest sister in the world.
We are economically stable.
We get along so well.
We're like the fucking Brady Bunch. We have the crazy maid and all.
How fucked up is it, that outside of me everything is perfect but somehow inside its freaking torture?
I don't want to go to a psychologist because I feel like if I do the only solution they can give is drugs. I don't want to fool myself into thinking I'm fine. I want to actually be fine.
I know this blog is like a whole lot of rambling and a whole lot of crazy.
But bear with me.
I want to say this. All of you who don't like, and I know you know I know who you are what you think of me does bothers me, so you win. Congratulations.

I need help.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Wake up Exhausted

I kind of love Alkaline Trio and I love Tegan and Sara this made me happy...
Tegan looks freakishly like Sara in this video(most of you are like they are twins genius! but you can tell them apart), she lost weight.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

UTEP Library Epiphanies

I'm sitting at the UTEP library. I'm on the fourth floor sitting on the desk I have occupied almost every day since I started at UTEP. This desk for some unknown reason has a carved cartoon picture of a naked lady with huge boobs, every day I come to the library for some strange reason I always sit on this desk. I don't find it either funny or wrong, but for some undefined reason I find comfort in this desk naked lady and all.
I was thinking about it today, and it dawned on me that every time I come to the library my desk is unoccupied. It got me thinking about my desks past. I know I'm going there. I wonder what happen to my desk previous occupant. This person might have already graduated, or might have been expelled for vandalizing school property. Whatever it might be I just want to give a shout out to said person, and tell them they are awesome.
Moving on. As I was thinking about what I just wrote the girl sitting on the desk in front of me turned around and asked me if I could keep an eye on her things while she went to the restroom. I of course replied with my sweet smile and said sure. Once she skipped out of my sight this act got me thinking. I know I've been a thoughtful butterfly today. What exactly would I do if someone decided to steal her stuff in front of me? Would I tell them not to? What if they ran? I wasn't going chase after them, what would happen to my crap if it got left behind? Even if I did chase them what would I do once I caught them? Would I hit them? What if they hit me? Would I risk my life for a strange girls crappy PC? But then if I didn't chase after them what would I tell the girl once she came back from the restroom? I couldn't just leave because she would think I was the one who had stolen her stuff. Why god why had I agreed to such a responsibility? How much of an ass would I have been if I had said no?

I was having a bit of a panic attack

The girl came back, gave me a sweet smile said thanks, and then left.
I promised myself I would never take care of another persons crap for the rest of eternity. Funny enough this was about an hour ago, and as I am typing this I am looking over a girls super rad Mac Air. I've come up with a solution though. If someone does decide to steal the computer I am just going to lay on the library floor until she come back slaps me a little across the face, and then I'm going to deliver the performance of a life time and tell her I was brutally attacked.

Problem solved.

Anyways, I am suppose to be reading about public speaking. I hate it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Express my ass

So I broke my glasses…I know! My mother already gave me this whole speech on how I should be more careful and how everything should be put in a safe place. Personally I believe that I should just not after sitting on my glasses try to get them from under me without moving, I know! That was my bad! Any who so I went to Eye Mart Express because that’s where I bought them (and by “I” I mean my parents) so I get there and the place is packed, which just clarified any doubts I might have had on the whole creation vs. evolution debate because seriously if we are suppose to be ‘evolving’ how the hell can our vision be so shitty. Which also makes me think God has a really weird sense of humor with the whole making the world blind (well not really completely blind.) So anyways I get there and the place is packed so I walked in, signed in, and went to sit down so I could stare at myself on one of their super dirty mirrors. About 20 minutes passed and only one of the millions of people who were there had been helped, so I decided to stop staring at myself on the mirror and walk to the front desk to see why they were taking so long. The thing was that when I stood up I had like half of the millions of people staring at me, I’m not sure why, but I have a feeling that it had something to do with the 20 min straight I had spent staring at my own reflection. When I got up I felt a couple of eyes on me so I got super nervous and was unable to go make the eye mart express people hurry up, so I just switched seat which I’m pretty sure gave all the amount of evidence for those staring at me to be completely convinced that I was weird. About another 20 minutes went by and I was still sitting there (no longer looking at myself on the mirror) and finally they called my name, and like always did this weird face before attempting to say my name.

Here is our conversation:
Eye Mart Woman: Zarina Guerrero? (Insert a weird face here)
Me: Present!
Eye Mart Woman: (Gave me a weird smile, I’m pretty sure she hated me from there on)
How can I help you?
Me: I kind of broke my glasses. (I hand her the glasses)
Eye Mart Woman: (Looks at the glasses, looks up at me) We can’t fix them…
Me: I would try Oculus Reperum…
Eye Mart Woman: (A weird look, with a questioning smile)
Me: Harry Potter…
Eye Mart Woman: (laughs a little) Do you have a warranty?
Me: I think so…
Eye Mart Woman: What was your last name?
Me: Guerrero
Eye Mart Woman: (Comes back with my file) You do, let me go get you the frame.
Me: Oh no! I got it…Accio Frame!
Eye Mart Woman: (Wanting to get rid of me practically runs to get the frame)

After changing the lenses from one broken frame to the new one…

Eye Mart Woman: Here you go Miss Guerrero, try them on please.
Me: ( I put them on) Cool. Thanks I appreciate it.
Eye Mart Woman: No problem. Now if you could please sign the quill. (Smiles super big)
Me: (Smile my brilliant smile) No problem.

I love eye mart express, because they love Harry Potter.
I know this was a waste of your time, but I seriously don’t care…I just want you to know that I spent a trillion hours at eye mart express because glasses aren’t suppose to be left on couches for the asses to squished them.
That the lesson I learned this week.

I’ll leave you with this:
If two identical twin brothers married identical twin sisters, would there kids be identical?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I will never speak about the seven deadly sins again!!

i'm finished...


i over did it though, i needed 5 sources and i used 15. it was suppose to be a 5 page paper but i wrote 7...

why not go out with a bang! last paper for a couple of months might as well enjoy it...

anywho, i should probably get some sleep. i need to study tomorrow for history.

have a good night kids...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oscar Wilde is sick

Ok so i'm in the process of writing my seven deadly sins essay, which i had already mention on a post bellow...

so i'm looking for quotes right, cuz im that kind of person who always starts her essays with the oh so typical:

"William James once said '....'" or "J.K. Rowling once said '...'" etc

i'm also the kind of person who wears sweater vests, but that's neither here nor there...

so i google "quotes on sin" and i got like a trillion hits, but i just go to the first option (which by the way i have recently found out how people make their websites be the first on the list) and among the first ones up pops WIlde...

now here me out, of course i heard and even read some material by oscar wilde (i was jack when reading the importance of being ernest out loud in my senior english class for god sakes! yeah i dont know why i ended up being a guy, but whatever i was the best fucking jack ever.) i remember the importance of being ernest being hilarious, but i dont think i payed much attention.

This guy was brilliant!

i'll just write some of his quotes i found the coolest...

“Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.”

“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”

“Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.”

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”

“If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.”

“I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly.”

“The heart was made to be broken”

"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction. "


he is brilliant look him up. i know what im getting next time i go to barns and noble...


Talking about the greenhouse effect

I have my astronomy final in an hour...

just some fun facts:

the greenhouse effect occurs in venus, earth and mars.
venus has the highest albedo in our solar system (which is the milky way)
the myth of martians first came into excistence in the late 1800s and early 1900s because of channels seen on mars surface. Lowell and Schiaperelli were the ones who saw them, it turned out to be an optical illusion.
there are 3 places in the solar system where volcanic activity takes place: venus, earth and io (jupiter's satellite)
the oblateness of a planet is the meassure of how much the 3d shape of a planet departs from a perfect sphere.
mars' satellites are called phobos and deimos.
ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system.
mercury lacks an atmoshpere. making it super hot by day and super cold at night.
neptunes rings are called adam's ring, leverrier ring and galle ring.
the center of all jovian planets are made of solid terrestrial core.

i swear if i dont pass this test, i will give up on life...

anyways i'll leave you with this:
if you're not to long, i will wait for you my entire life

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Desperate Attempt # 2 meets 7DS and Pictures

So in a desperate attempt to leave MySpace once and for all, I have decided to migrate my favorite part of it to a new location. I’m not saying that I am leaving MySpace anytime soon. I do believe that this will help me make the long transition a little bit more bearable, because I really don’t want to be one of those weird 40 year-olds with a MySpace. I mean seriously that’s lame.
Just so you know, I will probably not post anything regularly, but when I do I will probably post several things at once, because sometimes I have a lot of free time.

So to start this “Green House Effect” blog (which again has nothing to do with the green house effect, I was just reading about it for my astronomy class and decided it would be an awesome name for a blog) I will share with you something that’s on my mind.

The Seven Deadly Sins.


I’m actually not one of those crazy religious people (I do believe in God though), but I’m suppose to do a research paper for my English 1312 class and the teacher asked me to give her my topic and I know for a fact that she’s a crazy religious woman, so I was like I want to write about the seven deadly sins. She got super happy it was hilarious.
I’ve been reading about the though, and the more I read about them I realize that what I want to write about won’t make my religious teacher happy.

I mean don’t get me wrong. I see why they are considered capital sins, but I seriously doubt that anybody could avoid them.

For example, I am one of the most apathetic people I ever met. (Just for the record sloth, which is one of the seven deadly sins, has been translated as apathy) And no matter how much I might try to care about stuff, my apathy towards many things will never change. Even if I fake carrying God would know it is fake caring, which brings me to the point that I can’t change who I am or how I feel.

So how can we avoid them?

I see each one of the seven deadly sins (with the exception of Gluttony) as an emotion, something that we can’t help.

Do you see my dilemma?
Whatever, I’ll figure it out once I get started.

Also, I’m supposed to write a 5-6-page paper on a movie and how it relates to something a person has to go through. And I’ve watched movies like crazy and I still haven’t decided on a movie, of course I watched 3 of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen yesterday (Walk Hard, The Heartbreak Kid, and Prom Night) so I can see why I haven’t been able to pick a movie.

I’ve been thing of maybe writing it on “Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind”, “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium”, “Garden State”, “Elizabethtown”, or “Science of Sleep.”

I’m still open to suggestions though, so feel free to tell me.

What’s funny about it though is that all of them are about finding yourself through experiences such as: Love, Death, Friendship and well Gael Garcia Marquez. Ha Ha Ha.

I don’t know, but I’m off to watch Martian Child because its due back at 9 and I still haven’t showered so I have about 4 hours to do this.


Keep reading.

I’ll leave you with this:

“There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.”

Monday, April 14, 2008

Just a little bit about myself.

This is really the easiest way of getting to know me, so I’m going to start with this.


Name: Zarina

Date of Birth: 07/21/1989

Birthplace: El Paso, TX

Current Location: A UTEP hallway.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5’3”

Heritage: Mexican and Scottish… I know weird! I look all Mexican though.

Piercing: one on each ear. I want to get more

Tattoos: I have 3 in mind, but at the moment 0


Band/Singer: good question.

Song: That's too hard.

Movie: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

Disney Movie: Lilo and Stitch

TV show: Arrested Development and The Office

Color: Blue

Food: Enchiladas

Pizza topping: Pepperoni

Ice-Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip and/or Vanilla

Drink (alcoholic): Tecate with salt and lemon. Call me a true Mexican

Soda: Sprite

Store: Target

Clothing Brand: Converse

Shoe Brand: Vans

Season: Winter

Month: November

Holiday/Festival: Thanksgiving or Christmas

Flower: Lilies

Make-Up Item: I don’t wear make up much… sort of like a tom boy…

Board game: Clue

This or That

Sunny or rainy: Rainy

Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla

Fruit or veggie: Fruit

Night or day: Night

Sour or sweet: Sour

Love or money: Love

Phone or in person: In Person

Looks or personality: Personality

Coffee or tea: Coffee and Tea

Hot or cold: Cold


Goal for this year: To get out of El Paso

Most missed memory: living with my sister

Best physical feature: eyes

First thought waking up: I don’t really think that early in the morning. I just go straight to the bathroom and shower.

Hypothetical personality disorder: psychodramatic (look it up)

Preferred type of plastic surgery: Unless you need it, none.

Sesame Street alter ego: Snuffalufagus

Fairytale alter ego: Gus the mouse from Cinderella…

Worst crime: Torture

Greatest ambition: writing the rest of my life

Greatest fear: Horses

Darkest secret: yeah right…

Favorite subject: English

Strangest received gift: some red satin underwear from a woman I had never met.

Worst habit: cursing and biting my nails

Do You:

Smoke: No. I don’t like it. I tried it, and it sucked.

Drink: Yes. Not excessively though.

Curse: yeah, I find it kind of relaxing.

Shower daily: yeah, sometimes even twice.

Like thunderstorms: love them.

Dance in the rain: I dance in the shower. I dance a lot.

Sing: hells yeah.

Play an instrument: guitar and piano

Get along with your parents: really really well.

Wish on stars: yeah! I like it.

Believe in fate: I believe in something.

Believe in love at first sight: sure.

Can You:

Drive: better than most!

Sew: I tried and I gave up.

Cook: I love it!

Speak another language: Spanish

Dance: yes yes.

Sing: I can carry a tune, but I’m not that good.

Touch your nose with your tongue: if it push my nose down. hehe

Whistle: yeah, even better I can hum and whistle at the same time!

Curl your tongue: yep yep

Have You Ever:

Been Drunk: I’ve been tipsy. I hate drunk people.

Been Stoned/High: nop, and I never intend to be.

Eaten Sushi: nop looks kind of gross

Been in Love: nop.

Skipped school: yeah

Made prank calls: obviosly

Sent someone a love letter: a long time ago

Stolen something: yeah, ups!

Cried yourself to sleep: nop

Other Questions:

What annoys you most in a person? Close mindedness.

Are you right or left handed? righty

What is your bedtime? When I get sleepy or finish what I’m doing

Name three things you can't live without: My sister, Music and Stories.

What is the color of your room? Brown

Do you have any siblings? One sister

Do you have any pets? 3 dogs

Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? nop

What is you middle name? Lilani

What are you nicknames? Habibti, Tokis, Psawyer, Z, Zoe, B, Schample, etc.

Are you for or against gay marriage? I’m all for them.

What are your thoughts on abortion? I personally wouldn’t get one, but I also wouldn’t stand outside an abortion clinic parading around with a poster against them. It’s the person’s choice.

Do you have a crush on anyone? Nah

Are you afraid of the dark? Used to be.

How do you want to die? I don’t

What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Mmmm..2?

Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yeah

What is the last law you’ve broken? Mmm underage drinking

In a Member of the Opposite Sex:

Hair color: brown

Eye color: brown

Height: Taller than me

Weight: mmm…don’t really care

Most important physical feature: Hands.. Im weird

Biggest turn-off: Spitting