Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Training is what's up!

Today was the first day of training.

It was intense.

Amazing though, African history totally blows Mexican and American history off the radar. Like we have so much back stabbing in African history that it makes all the soap operas seem like crap (although technically they all are.)

Ok so here is what I did all through the day:
1) Woke up at 5 45 am. For no reason I just did, and could not go back to sleep so I snag the shower before anyone else could.
2) Ate some delicious cereal I bought at Vons.
3) Drank coffee, and sat looking at the sky from the awesome balcony expecting to see the sun rise until I realized I was looking west so it didn’t work out for me…
4) Prepared my backpack for work.
5) Snagged a ride on a van driven by pretty much the best female driver in the world.
6) Sat next to Kelly who in 10 minutes became my favorite person in the world.
7) Got to work. Sadly got separated from Kelly in order to go on a tour of the office with out RM’s.
8) Went to look at our desks. I share it with this totally awesome girl named Colleen. She is the Mexico Regional Assistant.
9) Took a minute to look at our awesome binders.
10) Went to a staff meeting where I found Kelly, and we became best friends again.
11) Took a 15 min break. Kelly and I went to the restroom.
12) The staff was introduced
13) Lunch. Willie, Kelly, and I went to buy caffeine.
14) Went back to the conference room to have a quick expectations meeting.
15) Took a break. Kelly and I and about other 8 girls went to the restroom.
16) Went back and started getting the history of the war.
17) Took a break.
18) Went back to get the second part of the history of the war.
19) Took a break. I ate goldfish crackers. Had a thought on why the fish were so happy.
20) Went back and had a brief history of how IC started.
21) Packed up, and headed for the vans.
22) Got to sit next to my girl teammate (Andrea) had our first actual conversation. I liked her already then she told me she like Tegan and Sara, and that “like” turned into “love.”
23) Got home. Called the parentals. Told them what I did. We bonded for a while.
24) Got inside changed into pjs.
25) Went downstairs to a house meeting.
26) Came to the room, and talked to my roommates about random things.
27) And now this.

Yesterday was pretty amazing as well.

We went to a theater where we met Jason, and Bobby (two of the filmmakers.) We heard a girl named Achi Nancy, one of the first girls from Northern Uganda to come to the US on a full scholarship, speak.
We then saw a film called “Man on Wire” if you have not seen this film go out right now and rent it.
We then came home. Mexico though was still missing on of its team members. So as we awesome Mexicans do (actually there are only 2 of us) went and picked up our last teammate to arrive.
So the Mexico tour was united. We all pretty much kick ass. Like seriously.
We are all different, but in the 5 different ways of cool.

Anyways. I am trying to keep you posted. This has been an amazing experience already, and I am barely getting started.

I send my love to all you El Pasoans.

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